Planning an Important Business Meeting? Keep These Tips in Mind
If you've ever worked in an office -- or even if you haven't -- you've likely attended a business meeting at some point. And suffice it to say, each business meeting is a bit different. Some are last minute and based on hastily scrawled notes inspired by a great idea for company improvement, while others are more structured and led by organized agendas created well in advanced.
by Coffee Guy • May 04, 2018

If you've ever worked in an office -- or even if you haven't -- you've likely attended a business meeting at some point. And suffice it to say, each business meeting is a bit different. Some are last minute and based on hastily scrawled notes inspired by a great idea for company improvement, while others are more structured and led by organized agendas created well in advanced. However, getting the most collaboration and innovation from any given business meeting isn't always easy, but by taking some quick and simple steps, you can be well on your way. Here are just a few tips for planning your next important business meeting.
Start With Refreshments
Refreshments help employees feel appreciated and relaxed during a meeting. If you're planning on serving refreshments, make sure to include the most essential food and drink options: muffins, snack bars, and of course, coffee and tea are musts. Studies show that 200 mg of caffeine can help you identify words and phrases faster than you could do without coffee, and many employees like to sip on their caffeinated beverages while talking business.
However, the key to serving refreshments is to serve them at the right time, and typically, this is before the meeting begins. Don't make the mistake of waiting until the meeting starts to turn on the office coffee maker and serve refreshments; this will just cause delays and distractions, reducing the meeting's overall effectiveness and chances for productivity and success.
"Tea, coffee and biscuits served prior to a meeting's commencement help to relax attendees and put them in the right frame of mind for participating in the subsequent meeting. Attendees should be made aware that refreshments will be served at least ten minutes before the scheduled meeting time so as to avoid a delayed start," writes Maguire Training.
Stay On Topic
It's easy for employees to get carried away when talking about a subject, especially one that's particularly in-depth. To avoid getting off topic, make sure agendas are prepared ahead of time and readily available before and during the meeting. Note as each topic of discussion has been made, and record and table any new concerns for later.
Ultimately, understanding these tips is the key to planning an effective company meeting. For more information about office coffee makers, contact American Coffee Services.